
Genetics is reshaping nearly every aspect of our world. The best way to understand and apply this for our own health and well being can be achieved with the help of genetic counselling.

Every organ of the human body can be affected by genetic diseases. These include skin, eye, ear, musculo-skeletal, endocrine, neurological, renal, gastro-intestinal, pulmonological, cardiac, hematological and reproductive organs.

Genetic counselling will help in identifying the changes in the chromosomes / genes involved in that particular disease and help in managing the same with appropriate treatment modalities available.

  • Pregnancy/Antenatal tests
  • Neonatal/ Paediatric
  • Adolescent disorders
  • Pre-marital Counselling
  • Infertility – Primary/secondary
  • Bad Obstretic History
  • Assisted Reproductive techniques including pre-implantation tests
  • Late onset Genetic Disorders
  • Complex Diseases
  • Cancer